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SIG Information
SIG Meeting Room Map

Hand Tool SIG

The Hand Tool SIG meets, January through November, at 6:30 pm - 7:15 pm, before the regular meeting at Bethany Lutheran the Vlahn Memorial Room/ #M111 of the Ministry Center next door to the church.

Anyone interested in the use of hand tools is welcome to join us for discussion of this fascinating area of woodworking.
We will learn by sharing the experiences of using and caring for traditional hand tools.
Hope to see you in there!

Michael Fross - Chair

Scroll Saw SIG

The Scroll Saw SIG meets, January thru November. We cover all aspects of scroll saw use, including fretwork, portraits, pictures, intarsia, segmentation, inlay, marquetry, compound scroll sawing, jig saw puzzles, baskets, bowls, boxes, puzzles and toys. Meetings include a scheduled topic and discussions of various scroll saw problems and solutions.
We meet 6:30 pm - 7:15 pm in the north half of the lower conference room. Share your scroll saw experience with us and pick up some tips, techniques and even patterns along the way.

Dave Dockstader - Chair

Woodworking Fundamentals SIG

The fundamentals or novice woodworkers SIG will meet, January thru November, at 6:30 pm thru 7:15 pm in the main building upstairs in the Adult Lounge. Follow the signs from the main meeting room. Topics will vary monthly and will address those areas of specific interest to the members. Hope to see you there.

Michael Rauchmiller - Chair

Live edge Pear bowl
Turning SIG

The Turning SIG meets January thru November, from 6:30 pm - 7:15 pm in the south half of the lower conference room. Share your turning experience with us and pick up some tips and techniques. If you would like to participate in this new SIG or have questions or suggestions, please let us know by sending an email to TurningSIG@FVWWC.ORG

John Rusnack - Chair